node.js Web App

node.js Web App #

Overview #

The node.js Web App project type allows you to make a simple web application with a node.js backend and HTML5 frontend. The node.js process should launch a web server; Pip starts a browser in parallel which communicates with the web server and displays the generated HTML on Pip’s screen.

Getting Started #

node.js projects allow complete customisation of backend behaviour; the only requirement is that your code starts an HTTP server on port 3000 so that the browser process can reach it.

To get started, save the following code in index.js:

const http = require('http')

const html = `
<!doctype html>

    <h1>Hello world!</h1>

const requestListener = function (req, res) {

const server = http.createServer(requestListener)

Project Layout #

index.js - application entry point

Other files (e.g. JavaScript code, static assets) may be added anywhere to the project’s folder structure and accessed as normal from node.js. If you wish to host static assets such as CSS and images, this must be configured manually in code.

Integrating with Pip’s hardware from HTML5 #

It’s possible to control Pip’s LEDs and GPIOs from the browser by including pipkit.js. See In-browser JavaScript for more information.